I was driving to work early this morning and was struck by an image from nature. It was still dark but the moon was shining bright over the Rocky Mountains. Glory be what a beautiful sight!! As I drove towards that image, a small, wispy cloud moved horizontally in front of the moon. The moon was shining through the cloud from above, below, and ever so gently through its wispy tendrils. I could barely take my eyes off it. While continuing my trek to work and gazing at the moon, the words "light in the darkness" came to mind and made me think of the scriptural truths of the light that Christians bring to the darkness in another.
I often find myself feeling quite guilty at my human failings and of the fact that others see them. I can be moody and anxious, and my faith falters at times when I look at obstacles that seem bigger than I. But this morning as I looked at the light pouring through the cloud, I felt the Lord tell me that it is natural for the light to be filtered through the cloak of humanity. Glimmers of light are used by God to bring another soul to Him. Glimmers of light through a struggle can offer hope to another. Glimmers of light bring joy and peace to someone who is hurting.
Jesus is the true Light of mankind and we are but a reflection of His light. We gain His light in our own lives as we pray and read scripture and then practice its truth. The light of Jesus shines through my character and my life as I live to show others how much He loves them. The light of Jesus shines through your character and your life as you show others His love for them. It is the nature of God to move while using a human vessel. Scripture indicates that when perfection comes in the form of Jesus that the shadows are removed. I have to believe this is true with light in the darkness as well. The power of God far outweighs my weakness. Praise God!!
1 Corinthians 13: 12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
Lord Jesus,
Be our light and guide on this journey. I pray that you will draw us to yourself and that your light is evidenced in our lives even if through glimmers. Let us more and more see you as you are; our Lord and Saviour, the light of the world.
Scripture references: John 1:9; John 8:12, Romans 13:12, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Ephesians 5:8, 1 John 2:9

Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Prayer for the United States
We are all aware that this country is facing very serious times. Elections are approaching that we hear are vital to our future. In my humble opinion, the future of this country rests on nothing less than its citizens returning to God and to His ways. Without the All Powerful, All Mighty God centered as the focus of our personal lives and given permission to influence our country, I fear our future is fragile and fleeting like other great cultures before us who have died and are buried in sands around the world.
King David was a man chosen by God to lead a kingdom which was also chosen by God. Where was King David ordained to lead this group of people?? He led them to his relationship with his God. The young nation of Israel had access to the intimacy and dependence that defined David's life with God. David's relationship with God served as a picture to Israel and mankind of the type of relationship God wants with each individual. Scripture often refers to David seeking God's direction for his personal life and for the kingdom. Israel was victorious in war because David received and followed God's direction. David led Israel to wealth, worship, war, and peace from his relationship with God. Thankfully, David is all human so we can observe even his failures and God's redemption of David through their relationship.
Am I comparing the United States to Israel? Absolutely not. I am comparing God's call of David to God's call of each one of us as a redemptive act that will affect the United States.
The United States needs people devoted to God to lead us into the future. I personally long for leaders who seek God and refuse to remove Him from their lives while serving in office. I long for leaders who embrace their relationship with God and have the strength to influence this country towards holiness, faith, and service. I long for leaders who have diligently sought God and been given a redemptive vision for this country. I long for leaders who can inspire us to repentance and devotion in our own lives. I long for God's wisdom in the spiritual battle for this country. Raise up leaders like David, Oh God.
Lord, hear our prayer!!!
You are the only hope for the future of this country. We pray that you will forgive us for straying from you and living as though your counsel is obsolete. Father, I pray that our hearts are turned towards you for relationship and wisdom. Prompt us towards holiness and love. We need your guidance and intervention at this place in our history. Raise up servants who are willing and able to lead this country. Give us wisdom to identify and support them in their undertaking.
Lord, hear our prayer.
King David was a man chosen by God to lead a kingdom which was also chosen by God. Where was King David ordained to lead this group of people?? He led them to his relationship with his God. The young nation of Israel had access to the intimacy and dependence that defined David's life with God. David's relationship with God served as a picture to Israel and mankind of the type of relationship God wants with each individual. Scripture often refers to David seeking God's direction for his personal life and for the kingdom. Israel was victorious in war because David received and followed God's direction. David led Israel to wealth, worship, war, and peace from his relationship with God. Thankfully, David is all human so we can observe even his failures and God's redemption of David through their relationship.
Am I comparing the United States to Israel? Absolutely not. I am comparing God's call of David to God's call of each one of us as a redemptive act that will affect the United States.
The United States needs people devoted to God to lead us into the future. I personally long for leaders who seek God and refuse to remove Him from their lives while serving in office. I long for leaders who embrace their relationship with God and have the strength to influence this country towards holiness, faith, and service. I long for leaders who have diligently sought God and been given a redemptive vision for this country. I long for leaders who can inspire us to repentance and devotion in our own lives. I long for God's wisdom in the spiritual battle for this country. Raise up leaders like David, Oh God.
Lord, hear our prayer!!!
You are the only hope for the future of this country. We pray that you will forgive us for straying from you and living as though your counsel is obsolete. Father, I pray that our hearts are turned towards you for relationship and wisdom. Prompt us towards holiness and love. We need your guidance and intervention at this place in our history. Raise up servants who are willing and able to lead this country. Give us wisdom to identify and support them in their undertaking.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Depression, Addiction, Brokenness, Loneliness... And yet.
It has been brought to my attention repeatedly over the last few weeks that so many people are suffering seemingly unbearable circumstances. I say 'seemingly' because our hardships and heartaches rise up and threaten to choke us. The weight of our battles press us down until we have no strength. We buckle under the oppression. Ruined finances. Persisting unemployment. Desperate loneliness. Severe depression. Broken relationships. Unshakable addictions.
In the midst of it, something nags at me. I have to think, "And yet..."
I've fallen prey to many of these disasters, and most of them just in the last 36 months. Depression that threatens my life. Finances that look so impossible we'll never know freedom again. Months of unemployment that I thought I'd never experience. Loneliness that takes my breath away. Disappointment on a mammoth scale.
And yet...
There is a light if I look for it. There is hope if I can silence the confusing babble of the destroyer. If I can just utter the words that take me back to my Savior, 'and yet' has significant meaning.
It means that there are those who refuse to buckle. As many of the Chilean miners did upon their rescue from the underground this week, there are people who raise fists high in the air and proclaim victory. Perhaps more than anyone, these people know the truth of Psalm 30:3. "O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit."
These strong souls encourage me, bless me with their determination to defeat the enemy. They tell me not to buckle. They remind me that I'm not alone and God knows each breath I take. He knows the ones taken from me, too. He is good and faithful and full of mercy. Whatever happens in this life, He is worthy to be praised.
Have you praised Him in spite of your circumstances lately? Tell us about it. What defeats the enemy more than a group of Jesus lovers uniting and shouting their praises?
And when another disaster seems imminent, remember: "For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord shall enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop; by my God I can leap over a wall" (2 Samuel 22:30). Let's start leaping, dear readers.
Lord, I love you. How much more is my love because you hear my voice and my supplications. Because you incline your ear to me, I will call upon you as long as I live. Even when death surrounds me and the enemy seems to close in, when trouble and sorrow call my name, I will call upon the name of my God. Deliver my soul, Lord! For you are gracious and righteous and merciful. Amen.
(A prayer from Psalm 116:1-5)
Many blessings to you,
In the midst of it, something nags at me. I have to think, "And yet..."
I've fallen prey to many of these disasters, and most of them just in the last 36 months. Depression that threatens my life. Finances that look so impossible we'll never know freedom again. Months of unemployment that I thought I'd never experience. Loneliness that takes my breath away. Disappointment on a mammoth scale.
And yet...
There is a light if I look for it. There is hope if I can silence the confusing babble of the destroyer. If I can just utter the words that take me back to my Savior, 'and yet' has significant meaning.
It means that there are those who refuse to buckle. As many of the Chilean miners did upon their rescue from the underground this week, there are people who raise fists high in the air and proclaim victory. Perhaps more than anyone, these people know the truth of Psalm 30:3. "O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit."
These strong souls encourage me, bless me with their determination to defeat the enemy. They tell me not to buckle. They remind me that I'm not alone and God knows each breath I take. He knows the ones taken from me, too. He is good and faithful and full of mercy. Whatever happens in this life, He is worthy to be praised.
Have you praised Him in spite of your circumstances lately? Tell us about it. What defeats the enemy more than a group of Jesus lovers uniting and shouting their praises?
And when another disaster seems imminent, remember: "For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord shall enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop; by my God I can leap over a wall" (2 Samuel 22:30). Let's start leaping, dear readers.
Lord, I love you. How much more is my love because you hear my voice and my supplications. Because you incline your ear to me, I will call upon you as long as I live. Even when death surrounds me and the enemy seems to close in, when trouble and sorrow call my name, I will call upon the name of my God. Deliver my soul, Lord! For you are gracious and righteous and merciful. Amen.
(A prayer from Psalm 116:1-5)
Many blessings to you,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
An Answered Prayer
The day dawned cool and cloudy, dropping a cold Rocky Mountain drizzle in parts of the city. I would find out in just a few hours how annoying those dark clouds could become.
Part of our goal at Elohim Prayer Beads is to help you learn how to pray according to Scripture. We hear time and again how people find it difficult or intimidating to go before God and simply lay out their hearts. After all, He is the Creator of the universe. It is easy to get tongue tied when you consider His magnificence.
In truth, prayer is simply talking to God as you would to a trusted friend. Matthew 6:8 and Hebrews 4:12 tell us He already knows our needs, our desires, and our thoughts. As a father who delights in his children, He longs to hear us share all this with Him.
As a tool in our teaching prayer, we will soon be offering very unique prayer beads. I met with Carol this afternoon to go over our designs and put several strands together. These bead strands each have a specific prayer focus and Scriptural prayer that goes with them. We have worked for several weeks to find exactly the right beads and combination of Scripture to offer as you go before the Lord.
But we have met with opposition. Like the low clouds blocking the sun this morning, we have felt stifled in our efforts to move forward.
Some would say this opposition is coincidence, and some would say it's just life. Others (read: Carol and Shelley) would declare an attack from Satan. Remember, we do not fight against flesh and blood. Whatever your theology on opposition in serving God, we have battled situations that include the wrong color beads. Beads too big or two small. Beads that are too lightweight or too heavy. Beads that break or don't stay on the strand. This week we received a shipment of thousands of beads that were not what we ordered and can not be used.
In spite of the appearance of things, we declared victory and determined to move on with our plans to serve you and the Lord. A trip to our local craft store brought us in touch - literally - with beautiful beads that we have loved working with in the past. We approached the clerk to ask about ordering in bulk. As we spoke, a new employee told us about a wholesale bead catalog that she receives in the mail each quarter. She excitedly told us she will give us her copy and we can order any bead that crosses our minds.
Driving away from the store, the sun broke through the clouds. Bright light shone over us and we felt God say, "I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, And say to Zion, ‘You are My people’" (Isaiah 51:16).
Victory, indeed!
Do you have an answer to prayer? Share it with us!
Many blessings on you,
Part of our goal at Elohim Prayer Beads is to help you learn how to pray according to Scripture. We hear time and again how people find it difficult or intimidating to go before God and simply lay out their hearts. After all, He is the Creator of the universe. It is easy to get tongue tied when you consider His magnificence.
In truth, prayer is simply talking to God as you would to a trusted friend. Matthew 6:8 and Hebrews 4:12 tell us He already knows our needs, our desires, and our thoughts. As a father who delights in his children, He longs to hear us share all this with Him.
As a tool in our teaching prayer, we will soon be offering very unique prayer beads. I met with Carol this afternoon to go over our designs and put several strands together. These bead strands each have a specific prayer focus and Scriptural prayer that goes with them. We have worked for several weeks to find exactly the right beads and combination of Scripture to offer as you go before the Lord.
But we have met with opposition. Like the low clouds blocking the sun this morning, we have felt stifled in our efforts to move forward.
Some would say this opposition is coincidence, and some would say it's just life. Others (read: Carol and Shelley) would declare an attack from Satan. Remember, we do not fight against flesh and blood. Whatever your theology on opposition in serving God, we have battled situations that include the wrong color beads. Beads too big or two small. Beads that are too lightweight or too heavy. Beads that break or don't stay on the strand. This week we received a shipment of thousands of beads that were not what we ordered and can not be used.
In spite of the appearance of things, we declared victory and determined to move on with our plans to serve you and the Lord. A trip to our local craft store brought us in touch - literally - with beautiful beads that we have loved working with in the past. We approached the clerk to ask about ordering in bulk. As we spoke, a new employee told us about a wholesale bead catalog that she receives in the mail each quarter. She excitedly told us she will give us her copy and we can order any bead that crosses our minds.
Driving away from the store, the sun broke through the clouds. Bright light shone over us and we felt God say, "I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, And say to Zion, ‘You are My people’" (Isaiah 51:16).
Victory, indeed!
Do you have an answer to prayer? Share it with us!
Many blessings on you,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Psalm 30 prayer
Psalm 30 has been my altar cry for many months. Like many of the psalms, it holds powerful emotion that I identify with, as well as warm promises and blessings that I crave. No one knows our struggle the way our Heavenly Father does, and it seems no one can voice hope for deliverance the way the Bible does.
For those who fight an addiction, or who love someone who fights, know that we lift you to the Father in prayer:
Lord, my loved ones are lost. They ridicule your name while I mourn.
They destroy their lives by chasing pain and pointlessness.
Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on us.
Lord, be our helper!
I will lift you up, because you have lifted me up.
You do not let the enemy rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, heal the ones I love.
Bring their souls up from the grave and keep them alive,
that they might sing praise to your name and give thanks.
May your anger last but for a moment, and your favor for life.
Weeping endures for the night, but may joy come in the morning.
Turn our mourning into dancing, Lord.
Put off our sackcloth and clothe us with gladness.
We will give thanks to you forever. Amen.
For those who fight an addiction, or who love someone who fights, know that we lift you to the Father in prayer:
Lord, my loved ones are lost. They ridicule your name while I mourn.
They destroy their lives by chasing pain and pointlessness.
Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on us.
Lord, be our helper!
I will lift you up, because you have lifted me up.
You do not let the enemy rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, heal the ones I love.
Bring their souls up from the grave and keep them alive,
that they might sing praise to your name and give thanks.
May your anger last but for a moment, and your favor for life.
Weeping endures for the night, but may joy come in the morning.
Turn our mourning into dancing, Lord.
Put off our sackcloth and clothe us with gladness.
We will give thanks to you forever. Amen.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Facing the Giant of Drug Addiction
I have been reading a book about the "giants" we face in our lives. This is not a new topic for me but every once in a while I revisit it wondering if I have allowed new giants to take up residence in my heart, mind, and life. My main giant is my health; will I breathe today or not. Some giants we learn to live with for many years; this one has been with me my entire life, I don't know a day without it. There are other giants we carry around on our backs and become so used to the weight that we don't remember it as a burden until we practically sink under it.
I know some wonderful people who manage under the weight of a huge heart-rending giant each and every day as they work, support their families, and attempt to enjoy their lives. These families are dealing with adult children who abuse drugs and can no longer function at a normal level to care for themselves or their children. I am surprised at the numbers of adults that abuse drugs and wonder what in the world caused that "child" to choose such a path. Only they and God know for sure. My heart is burdened for families that have someone they love changed by drugs, so the prayer below is offered to the Father on their behalf. If you are one of these folks, please know that you are not alone and that God cares about you and your child. If you are one of the abusers, please know that others love you and long for you to be whole and that God holds the answers you are seeking.
Father -
Thank you that you give us each other to help carry the burdens of life. I pray today for those who are dealing with adult children who have lost their way by choosing a life of drug abuse. Our hearts break for them as they struggle each day to feed an addiction that they cannot control; to live a life they can no longer choose.
I pray that you will give their parents wisdom to act and love beyond all human reason. I pray that you will empower parents to do the hard things to protect themselves and others from the many facets of an abusers life that can elicit dangerous situations.
I pray that you would give all of us who support these parents wisdom to know how to help them as they grieve for their children, raise their grandchildren, and dare to hope their children can become free. We dare to pray for freedom from the life of addiction.
In the Son's name we offer these prayers to you.
I know some wonderful people who manage under the weight of a huge heart-rending giant each and every day as they work, support their families, and attempt to enjoy their lives. These families are dealing with adult children who abuse drugs and can no longer function at a normal level to care for themselves or their children. I am surprised at the numbers of adults that abuse drugs and wonder what in the world caused that "child" to choose such a path. Only they and God know for sure. My heart is burdened for families that have someone they love changed by drugs, so the prayer below is offered to the Father on their behalf. If you are one of these folks, please know that you are not alone and that God cares about you and your child. If you are one of the abusers, please know that others love you and long for you to be whole and that God holds the answers you are seeking.
Father -
Thank you that you give us each other to help carry the burdens of life. I pray today for those who are dealing with adult children who have lost their way by choosing a life of drug abuse. Our hearts break for them as they struggle each day to feed an addiction that they cannot control; to live a life they can no longer choose.
I pray that you will give their parents wisdom to act and love beyond all human reason. I pray that you will empower parents to do the hard things to protect themselves and others from the many facets of an abusers life that can elicit dangerous situations.
I pray that you would give all of us who support these parents wisdom to know how to help them as they grieve for their children, raise their grandchildren, and dare to hope their children can become free. We dare to pray for freedom from the life of addiction.
In the Son's name we offer these prayers to you.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday prayer - a psalm in times of trouble
I heard from a friend today that she is experiencing possibly the most intimidating circumstances of her life. She is frightened, isolated, and more than a little lost.
Whatever the circumstances, many, many people can relate to those feelings.
What do you do when life throws you on your face and struts away chuckling? If you're smart, you stay there. Not just to hide, but to seek refuge and comfort. This is the perfect time to pray according to Scripture. And the perfect Scripture to pray? Consider one of the Psalms. David often wrote of being in trouble, being chased by the enemy, being alone and frightened and uncertain of everything but this: God was his refuge, his strong tower, and his shield. Once you've read what David and other writers said to the Lord, go to Him with your own psalm.
I offer the following prayer in honor of my friend, but also for those of you who feel alone, frightened, and lost.
O God, I'm in trouble.
My foes rise against me on either side. The enemy is so high I can not see the light.
My heart is weak. My strength is gone.
Where are you, El Shaddai, O God of the mountains?
How long will you hide your face from your beloved?
Have mercy on me, Lord. Return and deliver me for your own sake.
As the psalmist said, in the grave who will give you thanks? For in death there is no remembrance of You.
I know that you have heard the voice of my weeping.
You are a shield for me, my glory and the one who lifts up my head.
You are my refuge in times of trouble.
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep, for you alone make me dwell in safety.
I will sing to the Lord, because you have dealt bountifully with me.
(Taken from Genesis 17:1, Psalm 3:3, 4:8, 6:5, 6:8, 9:9, 13:6)
Whatever the circumstances, many, many people can relate to those feelings.
What do you do when life throws you on your face and struts away chuckling? If you're smart, you stay there. Not just to hide, but to seek refuge and comfort. This is the perfect time to pray according to Scripture. And the perfect Scripture to pray? Consider one of the Psalms. David often wrote of being in trouble, being chased by the enemy, being alone and frightened and uncertain of everything but this: God was his refuge, his strong tower, and his shield. Once you've read what David and other writers said to the Lord, go to Him with your own psalm.
I offer the following prayer in honor of my friend, but also for those of you who feel alone, frightened, and lost.
O God, I'm in trouble.
My foes rise against me on either side. The enemy is so high I can not see the light.
My heart is weak. My strength is gone.
Where are you, El Shaddai, O God of the mountains?
How long will you hide your face from your beloved?
Have mercy on me, Lord. Return and deliver me for your own sake.
As the psalmist said, in the grave who will give you thanks? For in death there is no remembrance of You.
I know that you have heard the voice of my weeping.
You are a shield for me, my glory and the one who lifts up my head.
You are my refuge in times of trouble.
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep, for you alone make me dwell in safety.
I will sing to the Lord, because you have dealt bountifully with me.
(Taken from Genesis 17:1, Psalm 3:3, 4:8, 6:5, 6:8, 9:9, 13:6)
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