This month, Shelley and I will be blogging about the teaching of Jesus on prayer, specifically on the section of scripture known as the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6: 9-13. We will be focusing on verses 5 - 15, which will include some of the surrounding instruction on prayer, as well as the prayer itself. Luke 11: 2-4 provides a portion of the prayer and in this particular portion of scripture the teaching is prompted by the request from one of the disciples, Lord, teach us to pray..... This is the cry of our heart this month.
Also, as mentioned in January, each month will highlight another prayer challenge. The challenge for February is to pray daily and place some note of the prayer in your prayer journal. If you are looking for direction in your journaling, you might consider praying the Lord's Prayer in full or by sections and using the upcoming blogs as a catalyst for your prayer focus. In your journal, jot down the insights the Lord gives you and maybe consider sharing them with us. This will be my journal focus this month. If you choose another prayer focus or section of scripture, please feel free to share that with us and your insights.
Matthew 6: 9-13
"Pray, then, in this way:
'Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.'
Father - as we move into a new month of considering you and your ways, teach us to pray as Christ taught his disciples. Help our hearts to know and depend on you more and more each day. Thank you for caring about us and about the things and people close to our hearts. We lift them up to you.
Blessings on your journey,

Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Prayer Journal Challenge - Carol's Results
Hello to my prayer friends. This month has indeed been one to increase my faith that my prayers are heard regardless of the answer. As a young Christian, I began using a prayer journal and was quickly overwhelmed by the task of keeping up with it. How do you record so many prayers and still keep praying!?! Well, I had to look that monster in the face before I could move ahead this month. How could I record prayers and answers without diminishing my relationship with God to a "yes" or "no" answer? The answer is relationship and faith.
My primary goal is to be in relationship with God; to bring my praise, thanks, needs, and concerns before him and to be assured that he is in control. One of my first prayers for this challenge was to ask the Lord to increase my faith in all things and to help me see life from his perspective rather than mine. He has been faithful to answer that prayer. I do believe the intent of Philippians 4: 6-8 is that our faith is increased as we trust God in all situations. Even those we have created ourselves.
My second request in this challenge was to see God moving and working through my prayers. I had some very specific requests for God and he has answered very specifically. Our topic this month of taking off the old "man" and putting on the new has challenged me to look at my attitudes and thoughts and ask if I represent the God I so long to know and serve. I have many answers on that topic and am humbled that God loves me so much that he will quickly point out my own personal needs when I ask for insight.
My third request of God was for my own faithfulness to my prayers when the answers don't come quickly. We are at times battling against spiritual entities and forces in this world meant to keep people blinded and hurting so they cannot know the love and power of God (see Ephesians 6). My prayer journal includes many people that I will bring before the Lord until progress is evidenced by changed lives through the work of God. Some will battle for years but we trust that God is faithful.
Overall, this month has been astounding as I watch God work all around me. My prayer times have been intimate and exciting as I focused on being with Him and trusting that he hears me. Praying believers stand in the gap for others and prove the love of God every day by their faith. Journaling insights and answers to prayer has become exciting and faith-building. I hope your month was the same. We can move forward this year knowing the faithfulness of God at work in all things.
Many blessings,
My primary goal is to be in relationship with God; to bring my praise, thanks, needs, and concerns before him and to be assured that he is in control. One of my first prayers for this challenge was to ask the Lord to increase my faith in all things and to help me see life from his perspective rather than mine. He has been faithful to answer that prayer. I do believe the intent of Philippians 4: 6-8 is that our faith is increased as we trust God in all situations. Even those we have created ourselves.
My second request in this challenge was to see God moving and working through my prayers. I had some very specific requests for God and he has answered very specifically. Our topic this month of taking off the old "man" and putting on the new has challenged me to look at my attitudes and thoughts and ask if I represent the God I so long to know and serve. I have many answers on that topic and am humbled that God loves me so much that he will quickly point out my own personal needs when I ask for insight.
My third request of God was for my own faithfulness to my prayers when the answers don't come quickly. We are at times battling against spiritual entities and forces in this world meant to keep people blinded and hurting so they cannot know the love and power of God (see Ephesians 6). My prayer journal includes many people that I will bring before the Lord until progress is evidenced by changed lives through the work of God. Some will battle for years but we trust that God is faithful.
Overall, this month has been astounding as I watch God work all around me. My prayer times have been intimate and exciting as I focused on being with Him and trusting that he hears me. Praying believers stand in the gap for others and prove the love of God every day by their faith. Journaling insights and answers to prayer has become exciting and faith-building. I hope your month was the same. We can move forward this year knowing the faithfulness of God at work in all things.
Many blessings,
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Hannah story
Happy Friday, dear readers! And Happy January 28th. How are your New Year's changes coming along? If you feel discouraged or off track, don't fret. We have eleven months and three days to work the kinks out.
I'd like to give you a morsel of prayer thought to consider this weekend. Call it encouragement to keep reaching out to God and believing in His goodness. And something to record in your prayer journal. <chuckling> I just won't give this month's challenge a rest...
1 Samuel 1 records the story of Hannah, a woman brokenhearted by the lack of provision in her life. Hannah deeply desired children, yet "the Lord had closed her womb" (verse 5). In spite of the abundance her husband tried to bestow on her, Hannah felt the emptiness of a mother without children, and she mourned.
But she didn't stop there.
Hannah prayed. This is interesting to me because God closed her womb, but she didn't get angry at Him and stop talking because of the unfairness of her life, the way I sometimes threaten to do. Hannah cried out to God, "weeping bitterly" (verse 10). And she kept praying until she got an answer (1:12, 15-17). The answer didn't seem to come directly from God, but from His prophet, Eli. What did she do next?
Hannah rejoiced.
She didn't see the answer to her prayer, yet she took it on faith that God heard her cries and she rejoiced (1:18, 19). No longer did she wander around, downcast, taking the pain of loneliness into her heart. She believed, and what happened?
God blessed Hannah with a child.
You might know this story, but it highlights a very important aspect to prayer, one we've mentioned already. To pray, believing in the goodness of the Lord, is a very powerful thing, dear readers. To talk to Him and recognize that He loves you with the desperation of a father changes the entire landscape of our lives. This story also highlights the way God might choose to answer your prayers. Hannah didn't hear a voice from Heaven and she didn't feel His still, small voice in her heart. She heard the words of God's servant, the prophet Eli. God used another person to speak His truth and His love to her.
Is God using someone in your life to answer a prayer, to speak words of truth and love? Listen up! What a miraculous event, that He would not only speak to someone on your behalf, but that the person in your life would choose to listen and obey and send His message on to you.
That's the power of prayer.
Here's your assignment: Record in your prayer journal your own Hannah story, and keep your eyes and ears open for the one He might send with His answer. Don't give up on this thing you desperately desire, but take it to God and trust that He hears you and He loves you. You might be surprised at the change in the landscape of your life.
Leave a comment about your own Hannah story. We'd love to join you in prayer! And keep working on those New Year's changes. The year is young.
I'd like to give you a morsel of prayer thought to consider this weekend. Call it encouragement to keep reaching out to God and believing in His goodness. And something to record in your prayer journal. <chuckling> I just won't give this month's challenge a rest...
1 Samuel 1 records the story of Hannah, a woman brokenhearted by the lack of provision in her life. Hannah deeply desired children, yet "the Lord had closed her womb" (verse 5). In spite of the abundance her husband tried to bestow on her, Hannah felt the emptiness of a mother without children, and she mourned.
But she didn't stop there.
Hannah prayed. This is interesting to me because God closed her womb, but she didn't get angry at Him and stop talking because of the unfairness of her life, the way I sometimes threaten to do. Hannah cried out to God, "weeping bitterly" (verse 10). And she kept praying until she got an answer (1:12, 15-17). The answer didn't seem to come directly from God, but from His prophet, Eli. What did she do next?
Hannah rejoiced.
She didn't see the answer to her prayer, yet she took it on faith that God heard her cries and she rejoiced (1:18, 19). No longer did she wander around, downcast, taking the pain of loneliness into her heart. She believed, and what happened?
God blessed Hannah with a child.
You might know this story, but it highlights a very important aspect to prayer, one we've mentioned already. To pray, believing in the goodness of the Lord, is a very powerful thing, dear readers. To talk to Him and recognize that He loves you with the desperation of a father changes the entire landscape of our lives. This story also highlights the way God might choose to answer your prayers. Hannah didn't hear a voice from Heaven and she didn't feel His still, small voice in her heart. She heard the words of God's servant, the prophet Eli. God used another person to speak His truth and His love to her.
Is God using someone in your life to answer a prayer, to speak words of truth and love? Listen up! What a miraculous event, that He would not only speak to someone on your behalf, but that the person in your life would choose to listen and obey and send His message on to you.
That's the power of prayer.
Here's your assignment: Record in your prayer journal your own Hannah story, and keep your eyes and ears open for the one He might send with His answer. Don't give up on this thing you desperately desire, but take it to God and trust that He hears you and He loves you. You might be surprised at the change in the landscape of your life.
Leave a comment about your own Hannah story. We'd love to join you in prayer! And keep working on those New Year's changes. The year is young.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Prayer Journal Challenge - Shelley's Results
At the beginning of the month, Carol and I put out a challenge. We encouraged you to begin a prayer journal to record your prayers and the ways you see God answering them. What a challenge it was!
Even though it feels like I fill God's ears with a constant flow, I've never kept a prayer journal. In junior high school, I began writing down thoughts and feelings in a notebook because my teacher made me and the practice mostly stuck. I've continued journaling off and on since, and even when I don't have an actual book to write my thoughts, feelings, and wishes in, I'll use any scrap of paper I can find. A napkin, the back of a deposit slip, receipts. A lot of words, and none of them meant in focused prayer to the Almighty God who could change my situation if only I showed enough faith to ask.
This month's challenge gave me the direction and incentive I needed. There are four major ways keeping a prayer journal has enriched my prayer life:
1. It forces me to get specific with my prayers. As early as Genesis 24 (and probably before), we see the benefit of being specific in our prayers. When Abraham's servant prayed for a wife for Isaac, he asked God to show him the woman in a very clear manner. He knew when God answered him.
2. It makes me stop asking for the same thing over and over again, and instead turn my worries into prayers. Matthew 6:7 says not to use vain repetitions in our prayers. God knows our needs, so to continue asking after we've communicated with Him shows a lack of faith. Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious, but instead to pray.
3. It builds my faith by showing me what God is doing. I didn't realize just how many of my prayers God is kind and generous enough to answer with a resounding 'yes!' until I began writing down my prayers and recording the answers I saw. Maybe I took it as coincidence or I overlooked it completely, but I didn't recognize the faithfulness of God. Keeping a prayer journal proves His word is true (2 Timothy 2:13).
4.It makes me consider my prayers carefully, knowing the power they have. The Bible says whatever we ask the Father in Jesus' name He will give to us. "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:23, 24) I also know that if I ask, I'd be wise to keep myself available to His granting. How many times have I asked for a specific blessing, but not allowed or trusted Him to grant it? I don't follow through with the expectation that what I ask will be given, so the blessing is left by the wayside. "Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22)
This year will be a challenging one for us at Elohim Prayer Beads. It is our intention to live our faith boldly and to help you grow in your prayer life. I've grown this month, and I hope you have too. Leave a comment and let us know how the challenge of keeping a prayer journal changed your faith and your life.
Praying many blessings on you (and believing He will bestow them!),
Even though it feels like I fill God's ears with a constant flow, I've never kept a prayer journal. In junior high school, I began writing down thoughts and feelings in a notebook because my teacher made me and the practice mostly stuck. I've continued journaling off and on since, and even when I don't have an actual book to write my thoughts, feelings, and wishes in, I'll use any scrap of paper I can find. A napkin, the back of a deposit slip, receipts. A lot of words, and none of them meant in focused prayer to the Almighty God who could change my situation if only I showed enough faith to ask.
This month's challenge gave me the direction and incentive I needed. There are four major ways keeping a prayer journal has enriched my prayer life:
1. It forces me to get specific with my prayers. As early as Genesis 24 (and probably before), we see the benefit of being specific in our prayers. When Abraham's servant prayed for a wife for Isaac, he asked God to show him the woman in a very clear manner. He knew when God answered him.
2. It makes me stop asking for the same thing over and over again, and instead turn my worries into prayers. Matthew 6:7 says not to use vain repetitions in our prayers. God knows our needs, so to continue asking after we've communicated with Him shows a lack of faith. Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious, but instead to pray.
3. It builds my faith by showing me what God is doing. I didn't realize just how many of my prayers God is kind and generous enough to answer with a resounding 'yes!' until I began writing down my prayers and recording the answers I saw. Maybe I took it as coincidence or I overlooked it completely, but I didn't recognize the faithfulness of God. Keeping a prayer journal proves His word is true (2 Timothy 2:13).
4.It makes me consider my prayers carefully, knowing the power they have. The Bible says whatever we ask the Father in Jesus' name He will give to us. "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:23, 24) I also know that if I ask, I'd be wise to keep myself available to His granting. How many times have I asked for a specific blessing, but not allowed or trusted Him to grant it? I don't follow through with the expectation that what I ask will be given, so the blessing is left by the wayside. "Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22)
This year will be a challenging one for us at Elohim Prayer Beads. It is our intention to live our faith boldly and to help you grow in your prayer life. I've grown this month, and I hope you have too. Leave a comment and let us know how the challenge of keeping a prayer journal changed your faith and your life.
Praying many blessings on you (and believing He will bestow them!),
Friday, January 21, 2011
Overhaul of the Mind
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2
An amazing transformation of our hearts and minds takes place when we draw close to God in prayer. Setting our minds on things above refers to heavenly priorities rather than earthly priorities. Really a huge change in our thinking and daily practices but the promise of God is that those who choose to set their minds on His priorities will be changed. By spiritual design the old nature begins to fall away and the new God-focused nature is put on. We have a choice in this transformation. The choice we face is whether to believe and live by the promises of God or not.
Ephesians chapter 1 says we are blessed in Christ “with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm” and that the eyes of our heart can be “flooded with light” so that we KNOW and UNDERSTAND the “immeasurable power of God” in and for those who believe. It is this power which raised Christ from the dead that works in us!! We are made alive and given a new nature by the power of God; we can hope and rely on God completing this work when we focus our minds on His priorities and ways.
The Bible is an amazing book and by reading it doorways to the mind and heart are opened. A new way of seeing, believing and living is presented to us that can increase our hope in God and his plan. Scripture points out human behavior before and after meeting Christ. It helps us understand the difference between the old way of life and the new. In Philippians 4 of the New Testament, there is a section that addresses how to engage in the “battle” of the old nature through our thoughts. It says, "...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence or worthy of praise, dwell on these things."
Changing the focus of our minds hinges on where we allow our minds to dwell and what thoughts we allow to take root in the mind. Philippians chapter 4 stresses to us that the most beneficial resting place for the mind is in faith and prayer. "Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to God." Let's look for any piece of thanks we can give to God and add that to our prayers. Developing a thankful attitude can really change the way we see the everyday circumstances that we face.
One of the most exciting versions of the Bible is the Amplified version. If you have the opportunity this weekend, go to the link below and read Ephesians 1 and Philippians 4 in the Amplified Bible version. It will knock your socks off!!
Father, we thank you for the spiritual blessings of knowing you and being in Christ. There is no other who can save and redeem us so we rely on you and your promises to us. Transform us as we draw closer to you. Put in us a desire to be the spiritual-minded people you want us to be. We love you.
Heavenly Mind,
New Creation,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Put on a new man (or woman!)
"... put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." Ephesians 4:24
When I was a teenager, I had a favorite pair of jeans. I'll bet you had a pair, too. You know, the ones that made you look fantastic. Worn and faded in all the right places, they made you look skinnier here, rounder there, and longer there. Every time I put them on - which was nearly every day - I felt like a new person. I stood taller. I felt stronger. Boys and beautiful cheerleaders no longer sent me cringing to the other side of the school halls. I had more confidence, but not in myself. It was the jeans.
The Spirit of God can be compared to those jeans. Stay with me while I explain.
Much like a wardrobe, you choose to put on the Spirit of God every day, in every situation. You could go into the world without Him, but why would you want to? He makes you stand taller. He gives you confidence in situations that would otherwise make you cower. He makes you strong, able to withstand anything life throws your way.
He makes you a new creation.
Becoming a new creation is not something we do easily or lightly. It's not a choice we typically rush into because it's the popular thing to do. This isn't putting on a pair of pants just because we want to impress the school ranks. This is taking the Spirit of Jesus and putting Him on over our own spirit. To be in the world with the image of Jesus shining out of us. To interact with others as Jesus might. To overcome our own evil and selfish desires and do the will of God.
No, not the popular thing to do at all, is it?
And yet when we see someone who has done this, we want the same thing. To shine with love and grace and mercy. To treat people, regardless of their station in life, with respect and honor. To bring light and life to people who struggle in the darkness. That's Jesus, and that's putting on the new man (or woman) which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
Did you put on the new person God created you to be today? If not, it's not too late. Do it now. Go to your prayer journal and write your requests to God about this. Then remember to record how He answers you.
Father God, may we remember each day to put on the new person you created us to be. May we always look to You and to Jesus for wisdom and direction in this new creation. May we be a light in the darkness for the ones we love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings on you today, dear ones.
When I was a teenager, I had a favorite pair of jeans. I'll bet you had a pair, too. You know, the ones that made you look fantastic. Worn and faded in all the right places, they made you look skinnier here, rounder there, and longer there. Every time I put them on - which was nearly every day - I felt like a new person. I stood taller. I felt stronger. Boys and beautiful cheerleaders no longer sent me cringing to the other side of the school halls. I had more confidence, but not in myself. It was the jeans.
The Spirit of God can be compared to those jeans. Stay with me while I explain.
Much like a wardrobe, you choose to put on the Spirit of God every day, in every situation. You could go into the world without Him, but why would you want to? He makes you stand taller. He gives you confidence in situations that would otherwise make you cower. He makes you strong, able to withstand anything life throws your way.
He makes you a new creation.
Becoming a new creation is not something we do easily or lightly. It's not a choice we typically rush into because it's the popular thing to do. This isn't putting on a pair of pants just because we want to impress the school ranks. This is taking the Spirit of Jesus and putting Him on over our own spirit. To be in the world with the image of Jesus shining out of us. To interact with others as Jesus might. To overcome our own evil and selfish desires and do the will of God.
No, not the popular thing to do at all, is it?
And yet when we see someone who has done this, we want the same thing. To shine with love and grace and mercy. To treat people, regardless of their station in life, with respect and honor. To bring light and life to people who struggle in the darkness. That's Jesus, and that's putting on the new man (or woman) which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
Did you put on the new person God created you to be today? If not, it's not too late. Do it now. Go to your prayer journal and write your requests to God about this. Then remember to record how He answers you.
Father God, may we remember each day to put on the new person you created us to be. May we always look to You and to Jesus for wisdom and direction in this new creation. May we be a light in the darkness for the ones we love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings on you today, dear ones.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Becoming a New Creation in 2011
Each year many of us make resolutions to change something in our life; we add something new or remove something that isn't working. Many abandon their resolutions when the enthusiasm ends and the real work begins, typically only a month or two later. How do we make major changes and how do the changes become habit? How many changes have you tried to make in your life only to fail? I can think of many.
Becoming a new creation is scriptural for those who know and rely on Christ. God intends for us to become new in the essence of our being; to hope in God, love God and one another, pray unceasingly, encourage each other, think in spiritual terms, battle in spiritual ways, etc. 2 Corinthians 5:17 gives us information on how spiritual rebirth takes place, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.” When we believe in the person and work of Christ, we open the door to our spirits so that by the Holy Spirit we can live in Christ and He can live in us. His in-dwelling Spirit prompts us to desire to imitate Christ in character and life practices. The concept of taking off unattractive character traits and put on new traits is addressed many times in the New Testament. One of the greatest resources we have for "taking off" the old nature and putting on the new is the Bible. Reading and praying through scripture can change our hearts and minds as the concepts of God become clearer. A longing will develop to become Christ-like in our thoughts and actions (in other words - a new creation). Ephesians 4: 22-24 says to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self which is in the likeness of God. Ask God to make you into a new creation. He will answer that prayer. God's work in you is spirit-work, His work through you is nothing short of miraculous.
If you have time this week, read through Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians which are letters written to the church in each city. Many sections of these letters describe the old life without Christ and the new life in Christ. Take some time to pray through some of the concepts that speak to you and jot them in your prayer journal for further prayer and meditation.
Lord, help us desire to be like you. We want to be new in our minds and hearts as we walk with you. We praise and worship you.
Blessings on your week,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Love of God
Human beings are fickle when it comes to love. We rely on emotions that ebb and tide with situations or mood and then respond to those emotions. (I know this is a very simplistic statement but I am not a psychologist nor do I want to spend a great deal of time expounding on this topic.) The love of God toward us is the total opposite; it is not dependent on who we are, what family we're from, have we been "good" today, all of which boils down to do we deserve His love. Scripture says, God is love and the goodness of God toward us comes from that love. Wow!! What a statement!! (See Psalm 69:16 and Psalm 109:21) Can we accept and believe in God's love without question, even in tough times?? What does God's love look like and what does it mean to return God's love? Lofty conversation for a little blog!!!
God's love and what God expects as our response to love is described very succinctly in the New Testament book of 1 John. Chapter 4 verses 7 - 12 says, "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." This one passage tells us that God is love and His love is demonstrated for all through the atoning sacrifice of Christ for sin so that we might live. Our love is demonstrated back to God by our love towards each other. In fact, this passage says that IF we love one another then God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. Another WOW statement! We show each other the love of God by our love toward one another.
1 John 4 continues in verses 13 - 17, "This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." God IS love (again) and whoever accepts the sonship and sacrifice of Jesus can know and RELY on the love of God. Not only that but God will live in us and we in him by his Spirit. God's character is constant, it does not change which means that his love toward us does not change. As I said earlier this is the opposite of human love and can only be accomplished through the Spirit which lives in us when we believe in the work of Jesus.
We all struggle with very individual situations. It is easiest to question God's love in the struggles but scripture indicates that it is by holding on to our faith during struggles and allowing God's work to take place that we gain a character that will be rewarded with the crown of life promised to those who love him. See James 1. Hold on to the love of God toward you and continue in faith and love. Don't doubt but pour out your heart to a God who loves you and gives of his goodness in many ways both seen and unseen.
Blessings to you,
Please read the whole book of 1 John which compares and contrasts the love of God with love of the world, light versus darkness, and love versus hatred.
God's love and what God expects as our response to love is described very succinctly in the New Testament book of 1 John. Chapter 4 verses 7 - 12 says, "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." This one passage tells us that God is love and His love is demonstrated for all through the atoning sacrifice of Christ for sin so that we might live. Our love is demonstrated back to God by our love towards each other. In fact, this passage says that IF we love one another then God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. Another WOW statement! We show each other the love of God by our love toward one another.
1 John 4 continues in verses 13 - 17, "This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." God IS love (again) and whoever accepts the sonship and sacrifice of Jesus can know and RELY on the love of God. Not only that but God will live in us and we in him by his Spirit. God's character is constant, it does not change which means that his love toward us does not change. As I said earlier this is the opposite of human love and can only be accomplished through the Spirit which lives in us when we believe in the work of Jesus.
We all struggle with very individual situations. It is easiest to question God's love in the struggles but scripture indicates that it is by holding on to our faith during struggles and allowing God's work to take place that we gain a character that will be rewarded with the crown of life promised to those who love him. See James 1. Hold on to the love of God toward you and continue in faith and love. Don't doubt but pour out your heart to a God who loves you and gives of his goodness in many ways both seen and unseen.
Blessings to you,
Please read the whole book of 1 John which compares and contrasts the love of God with love of the world, light versus darkness, and love versus hatred.
Monday, January 10, 2011
A resolution to fall in love
Falling in love is great fun, isn't it? Your beloved spends all his or her time with you, surprises you with tokens of affection, tells you how wonderful you are, and makes you feel like the most important person in creation. Fun indeed.
And a lot of work. No wonder the fires of passion cool after a few months (years, if you're especially fortunate). It's not much different in our walk with God. As new believers, we read our Bibles and pray often. We spend time getting to know this Almighty One who fills a place in our hearts we never knew existed. We tell Him we love Him and we list all the reasons He is the most important thing in our lives.
And then we get busy. Kids come, work calls, distractions abound. Little by little, we stop spending time with Him. We forget to pray. We don't have time to read our Bibles. We grow distant and God grieves our absence. We mourn the relationship that once was so precious and important and seems to have taken a back seat to everything else in the world.
Maybe it's time to set another kind of resolution. A resolution to fall in love with your Creator again. Here are some of the many reasons to spend time enacting this change:
Scripture is full of people who loved the Lord and followed His ways. They give us a solid foundation for loving Him, too. When you feel like you're slipping away, take a few minutes to catch up with some of those followers and see yourself in them. Use your prayer journal to record these and other reasons you have for loving the Lord.
Praying many blessings on you,
And a lot of work. No wonder the fires of passion cool after a few months (years, if you're especially fortunate). It's not much different in our walk with God. As new believers, we read our Bibles and pray often. We spend time getting to know this Almighty One who fills a place in our hearts we never knew existed. We tell Him we love Him and we list all the reasons He is the most important thing in our lives.
And then we get busy. Kids come, work calls, distractions abound. Little by little, we stop spending time with Him. We forget to pray. We don't have time to read our Bibles. We grow distant and God grieves our absence. We mourn the relationship that once was so precious and important and seems to have taken a back seat to everything else in the world.
Maybe it's time to set another kind of resolution. A resolution to fall in love with your Creator again. Here are some of the many reasons to spend time enacting this change:
- God is love. (1 John 4:8)
- We love Him because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
- God loved you so much that He sent His only Son as your Savior from eternal death. (John 3:16)
- As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed your transgressions from you. (Psalm 103:12)
- He heals all your diseases, redeems your life from destruction, crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (Psalm 103:3-4)
- He is faithful even when we are faithless. (2 Timothy 2:13)
- He provides rest for our weary souls. (Matthew 11:28)
- He has redeemed you and called you His own. (Isaiah 43:1)
- He is patient and waits for you with mercy. (Isaiah 30:18)
- He is your rock, your fortress, and your deliverer. Your stronghold and your refuge. (2 Samuel 22:2-3)
- He is worthy. (Revelation 5:12)
Scripture is full of people who loved the Lord and followed His ways. They give us a solid foundation for loving Him, too. When you feel like you're slipping away, take a few minutes to catch up with some of those followers and see yourself in them. Use your prayer journal to record these and other reasons you have for loving the Lord.
Praying many blessings on you,
Friday, January 7, 2011
Devotion Challenge
Spiritual Challenge for January: Prayer Journal
Happy New Year to all of you!!! This year Shelley and I felt compelled to provide a topic of spiritual challenge each month in addition to our prayer blogs. Since our focus for January is a New Year, New Love, New You we decided that we want to push the boundaries of our own comfort zones and find areas to grow. Then of course we had the hair brain idea of asking you to join us because more is better when attempting change and for support in change.
Happy New Year to all of you!!! This year Shelley and I felt compelled to provide a topic of spiritual challenge each month in addition to our prayer blogs. Since our focus for January is a New Year, New Love, New You we decided that we want to push the boundaries of our own comfort zones and find areas to grow. Then of course we had the hair brain idea of asking you to join us because more is better when attempting change and for support in change.
For the month of January, the spiritual challenge is to begin a prayer journal. All through scripture you will find exhortations to “remember” the goodness, works, ways, thoughts and the attributes of God. Psalm 77: 11-12 says “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.” One way of remembering God’s work and direction in your own life is to write out prayers for reference in the future. Your prayers can be written out in snippets, in part, or in whole and then as God answers your prayers these too can be added to your journal.
The prayers can be responses to the Lord from your reading, your own daily devotional prayers, praise and thanksgiving for the blessings you have been given, or maybe your prayers for others. The goal of a prayer journal is threefold; 1) to encourage your prayer life, 2) to look back at your prayers and remember God, and 3) to look back and see how God has answered your prayers. As you sit with God for any length of time you will begin to gain understanding in situations that might have alluded you before. God will communicate to you through your thoughts, interactions with others, or in a myriad of ways. These outcomes too can be added to your prayer journal for future reference and to remember how God has spoken to or directed you.
If you have been a Christian for a long time you might have heard this practice referred to as a spiritual discipline. A spiritual discipline has the purpose of creating habits designed to bring you closer to God which is also one purpose of our challenge for January. Keep in mind that the main goal of this challenge is not to become “formal” pray-ers or even to document your prayers but rather to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus where we know and love him more.
So grab a notebook, anything you can carry around with you easily, and jot down your prayers, praises, and conversations with God. What is on your heart that needs to be put into a prayer?? God already knows so put it into words and allow the Lord to increase your faith or challenge you as you wait on God to move. At the end of the month Shelley and I will give you feedback on how our month has gone with this discipline. Please contact us through our e-mail at and give us your feedback on this challenge.
Philippians 4:4-7 says “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
And finally as we go deeper into our relationship with the Lord our whole mental attitude can shift and so that we desire a more holy and faith-filled life and a better way of being. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New Year Commitments
It's a new year. Time for a new love and a new you, right?
January 6th, and I can't figure out where the first five days of the new year have gone. Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? Late is better than never, after all.
And about late being better than never... Have you set up any New Year's Resolutions? Perhaps you're like me and you shy away from this chore. A commitment is a hefty thing, you know. It's not too late! Come on, belly up to the table and face the cards. It's time, pardner.
I am not a huge fan of setting resolutions and then breaking them. I usually hold off making myself and the Lord any promises until I know the changes I plan to make are realistic and reachable while still being a challenge. Committing to the Lord, and all that. (Psalm 37:5 and Proverbs 16:3 speak of committing your way to the Lord.)
There are so many ways to set up a resolution plan if you're the unconventional type. First, change the way you approach this by changing the language. Instead of a resolution, you're setting goals. Challenging yourself to a new lifestyle. Simply making changes to create a better situation for yourself.
Now try breaking your yearly changes down into smaller, more attainable goals. A new one each quarter, each month, or even every week. These smaller goals should keep you on track to reach your big change throughout the year. Also, get a partner to help you stay accountable.
There are as many ways to achieve your resolutions (oops, there's that word again) er... GOALS as there are types of goals. Physical fitness, relational health, career plans, and spiritual challenges all might come into your personal setup. For myself, I have career goals (finish that book in the first quarter of the year and submit to agents), physical fitness goals (work up to 15 minutes of jumping rope continuously), and spiritual goals (do my Bible study every morning).
What about you? What are your goals and challenges? Share them with us! We'll help keep you accountable, and you can help keep us going.
At Elohim Prayer Beads, we're setting spiritual challenges. Look for that in the next post. And get ready. We're going to ask you to go on this ride with us and share your experiences.
So Happy New Year, dear ones. May your life be full of renewed promise and joy as you serve Him.
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5
January 6th, and I can't figure out where the first five days of the new year have gone. Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? Late is better than never, after all.
And about late being better than never... Have you set up any New Year's Resolutions? Perhaps you're like me and you shy away from this chore. A commitment is a hefty thing, you know. It's not too late! Come on, belly up to the table and face the cards. It's time, pardner.
I am not a huge fan of setting resolutions and then breaking them. I usually hold off making myself and the Lord any promises until I know the changes I plan to make are realistic and reachable while still being a challenge. Committing to the Lord, and all that. (Psalm 37:5 and Proverbs 16:3 speak of committing your way to the Lord.)
There are so many ways to set up a resolution plan if you're the unconventional type. First, change the way you approach this by changing the language. Instead of a resolution, you're setting goals. Challenging yourself to a new lifestyle. Simply making changes to create a better situation for yourself.
Now try breaking your yearly changes down into smaller, more attainable goals. A new one each quarter, each month, or even every week. These smaller goals should keep you on track to reach your big change throughout the year. Also, get a partner to help you stay accountable.
There are as many ways to achieve your resolutions (oops, there's that word again) er... GOALS as there are types of goals. Physical fitness, relational health, career plans, and spiritual challenges all might come into your personal setup. For myself, I have career goals (finish that book in the first quarter of the year and submit to agents), physical fitness goals (work up to 15 minutes of jumping rope continuously), and spiritual goals (do my Bible study every morning).
What about you? What are your goals and challenges? Share them with us! We'll help keep you accountable, and you can help keep us going.
At Elohim Prayer Beads, we're setting spiritual challenges. Look for that in the next post. And get ready. We're going to ask you to go on this ride with us and share your experiences.
So Happy New Year, dear ones. May your life be full of renewed promise and joy as you serve Him.
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5
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