Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hallowed Be Your Name
"Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name" Matthew 6:9
What does it mean for the name of God to be "hallowed"?
To hallow means to consecrate or set apart as holy. Have you ever noticed that there are many references in scripture that provide descriptive traits of God? "Father" is a term most of us are familiar with, but let's consider a few more traits of God that give reason for his name to be hallowed.
In Exodus 3, God describes himself to Moses as "I Am Who I Am" or in another translation "I Will Be Who I Will Be" which the translator interpreted to mean "My nature will become evident through my actions". God reveals aspects of His Character to us through a myriad of lifetime situations and intimate relationship with believers.
Further in Exodus, God describes himself to Moses using more concrete terms. In Exodus 34, God describes himself as a 'compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin'. Who do you know that you could ascribe these characteristics continuously, every day, every week, every year?
In Luke 1, Mary and Zechariah refer to God as Savior who has brought salvation to them, referring to the near future birth of "The Savior" Jesus Christ. Romans 10 says that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Saved from what? Eternal separation from God.
Our God is robed in a nature higher than that of the best human. He is consistent in the face of evil, faithful to the end of time, cares about the weak, poor, and oppressed, always judges with objectivity according to his laws, always forgives, and always perseveres with humanity to salvation. He deserves a place of consecration above all others who offer some form of salvation yet come and go on the screen of history. God is creator, they the created. God is generous, they receive from him. God is savior, they granted salvation.
His name is higher than any other!
Father God - show us what it means to cradle your name in a holy place in our lives. We lift your name up in the sea of those who desire to be equal to you by offering their plans of salvation. Only you can truly provide salvation from the sin that binds us. Show us your character through our times of prayer and through the situations that crop up each day. Teach us to consecrate your name as holy.
May you be blessed by lifting up the name of our God.
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